Be back soon!

Short Story:

We’ve decided that it’s time to begin focusing on some of our own projects. So, we will not be taking on any additional clients at this time.

Long Story:

The long-term goal for Arclia has always been to become a software company, not a consulting company.

For the last several years, we’ve been keeping notes about products and ideas that we’d eventually like to implement. But, we realized that it would be unrealistic to pursue these for very long unless we could find some way to generate income. Plus, we were software engineers, so we didn’t really have a lot of hands-on experience with handling the business-side of things, anyway.

Our solution: begin consulting!

Consulting allowed us to kill two birds with one stone. We could generate income by using our technical expertise to address our clients’ challenges. In the meantime, it also forced us to learn how to operate a business. So, everybody wins!

Fast-forward to early 2018. We acquired a few bumps and bruises along the way, but we learned a ton about the business side of the… erm… business. Additionally, we are able to maintain a steady income to finance our other projects.

With these objectives achieved, we’ve decided that it’s finally time to focus on our original goal again. In the coming months, we will begin spinning up a handful of smaller projects. With any luck, some of these will gain some traction.

Stay tuned!